Iceland Forests?

What is the definition of a forest ? Well, us Icelanders are very proud of our trees….. both of them! If you are coming from a region full of forests and you love to take long strolls in the woods then you will have a laugh at Icelands “forests”. It is said that when the viking settlers first came here there was plenty of trees but today they are hard to find and far between. You can however find trees here and there and at most camp sites there is always a tree line for you to camp under, just to provide some shelter at least. But dont worry, in a camper van from us you are hardly coming to Iceland to tree hunt. We can point out for you were the best spots are to see and visit so you will not miss out on all the great locations you have seen on your internet browsing. There is nothing more comfortable than travelling in a camp van in Iceland on your own schedule and get the most out of your summer vacation. Hit the Book Now button on the top of this page and get your Icelandic camper van adventure started.
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